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Image by Andy Kuo

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."


- Carl Jung

My Affiliation


I am a proud member Axis Mundi Center for Mental Health, a non-profit mental health organization dedicated to offering culturally respectful and inclusive care. Its mission is the product of years of experience (and frustration) in the mental health field, where affordable, culturally competent therapy is as rare as it is needed.


You can find out more about Axis Mundi and our talented team of therapists by clicking here.

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Autumn River Leaves
My Therapeutic Approach


We live in a time and place that has made us fragmented from ourselves. With so many demands on our time and attention every day, our minds are often disconnected from our bodies, our spirits, our feelings, and the natural world. By engaging with meaningful symbols and archetypes, meditation practices, dreams, somatic exercises, restoring our relationship with nature, and explorations of shadow, these parts of the self can be reintegrated. Holistic therapy focuses on how we can live as more whole and complete beings, fully connected to ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us.


In my work as a holistic therapist, I help clients bring this experience of greater connection and integration into their lives while also honoring my commitments to social justice, cultural sensitivity, inclusive worldviews, and compassionate care.

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What I Offer


I see individual and couples psychotherapy virtually through a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform called thera-LINK or alternatively via phone call sessions. 


You can learn more about thera-LINK and their online privacy practices by clicking here.


The People I Work With


Though I am open to working with many types of clients, I have a special interest in building relationships with people who share some of my experiences and values. I love working with:


  • BIPOC people, especially Asian, Filipinx, and Pacific Islanders 

  • LGBTQ community

  • Neurodivergent individuals

  • People in the process of decolonizing

  • People aligned with earth-based spirituality and ancestral work

  • Polyamorous and ENM people

  • Survivors of abuse and trauma

  • People seeking self-esteem and empowerment​


It is important to me that clients are fully informed and consenting to all of my professional practices. For more specific information about how I address issues related to ethics, the law, and meeting standards of care, you can review some of my key consent documents below.

Member of Axis Mundi Center for Mental Health ~ 516 Oakland Ave Suite 203, Oakland, CA 94611


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